And the peasants rejoice!

The grades are all in, and I am rather pleased to report that my GPA did not go down. In fact, it got a little bump upwards, so that I probably qualify for the top 25% of my class now -- a magical number that many employers want to see before they think you are worthy of consideration.

I got an A in Intellectual Property, a B+ in Entertainment, and -- most squeal worthy -- a B+ in Sales!!!!! That last one is the best B+ of my life. In fact, I am shocked, shocked, I say, that my exam was worth that much, because it felt like a train wreck when I wrote it.

Last term was actually my highest grading yet, much to my surprise. Doener Kabaps will be consumed this weekend in celebration, with plenty of Hefeweizen.

I'm hoping this semester will go just as well, if not better. I think the fact that I actually like my classes this time could help. I feel much happier for the time being.

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