Vote the Spectacle

It's time to let your voice be heard on something of utmost importance: my new spectacles. Using Zenni Optical's try on feature, I have selected 13 frames that tempt my purchase, and I need your help deciding what suits me best. I should note that some of these images look rather horn-rimmed, but that is just Zenni failing to get the perspective right on the arms of the frames. I assure you the frames are not so pointy.

Notes: Some of these frames are the same but in different colors. Number 9 looks like metal, but it is actually a clear plastic half-rim. Number 10 is the only metal frame, in sort of a pinkish hue. Yes, number 4 really is orange, and yes, I'm ok with that. I think the shape of number 1 suits my face rather well, but I am coming to think that black is rather a harsh hue for me, glasses-wise.


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